Maestra Angela is open to sharing her knowledge and invites you to come and learn directly from nature. Apprenticeships start at a minimum of 3 months to have enough time for your plant diets to penetrate your body. However, your education will need to continue if you decide you would like to be an ayahuasquero. Taking the path of a doctor of plant medicine is a beautiful and challenging life that can expose you to your highest path in life. in order to accomplish the necessary requirements to be a fully autonomous curandero, you will need to have 2 years of supervised diet to have enough understanding to start dieting on your own. Your diets can be broken up into three month increments. Becoming an ayahuasquero is a serious decision that you must commit to for the rest of your life. It can take up to ten years to fully harness the power of nature to heal others. This is not a boot camp but an ongoing education. Your level of dedication will determine your results when using plant medicine to work with others.

Pricing is negotiable if you can provide some help to the center, especially English-Spanish translation. You can expect to pay 10,000 USD for your first three months. All prospective students must have phone interviews with two of our current students before being accepted.